Thursday, December 2, 2010

Exit Slip 12/02/10

To start off the day we watched a video clip about a teacher in Canada who uses technology in her classroom. I few ways she used it in her classroom were using a SMARTboard, laptops, online daily blogs, as well as online collaborative projects. Next, we collaborated as a group and discussed ways she used technology in her classroom and all of the advantages that come along with technology. Lastly, we put our list under 3 different categories: what we were able to do before technology, what we couldn't do before technology, and what was improved due to technology.

After that discussion, we numbered off into 7 groups and read about something "brilliant" that technology has to offer, and one "mistakes" teachers could make while using technology. We then got into a group of 4 with the others who read about the same thing and we brought our ideas together about the reading. After this we "lettered off" in groups of A,B,C, and D then got into those groups and shared with our groups about all of the readings.

Next, we came back together as a group and Dr. Boyer wrapped up the class period.

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