Tuesday, November 2, 2010

"Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts" Ch. 10/Epilogue Reflection

The read/write web had drastically changed the world of education. Students are able to find literally anything and everything they are interested in on the web. This creates the idea of lifelong learning. What used to fill the backpacks of students are now easily accessible on the web. Students are able to share their work with an unlimited audience and receive feedback from others. Teachers can use technology to assign projects. Projects used to consist of a large piece of construction paper using markers to fill out the appropriate information. In today's age of technology, teachers are able to assign projects that can be done on the computer which gives students the ability to creatively use text, picture, graphics, video, audio, and other types of media to demonstrate their knowledge on a particular topic. Students are also able to connect with others with the same interests as them. Technology creates bonds and connections between people, even with those they have never met. Students are able to access the web at anytime, anywhere, which leads us to the idea of 24/7 learning. Now that students are able to learn anywhere and everywhere, the school day does not only consist of 8 hours, 5 days a week. The read/write web has the ability to open up many doors for both our future students as well as ourselves as educators and exploring these options will benefit both you and your students.

As a result of this text I am now a more creative thinker when it comes to being a future teacher. Prior to this reading I felt as if the standardized traditional schooling is the way to go but after reading about the many perks and tools when using technology I have found myself with a different mind set about using technology in the classroom. I have finally realized that there is no correct answer to using technology as an educator. After completing this book I have finally understood where I stand with this whole debate. I have shifted from the skeptic’s side to the middle, between the skeptics and advocates. I will defiantly implement technology into my classroom but make sure that my students don't depend on it for everything. I still believe that knowing mental math is important without using a calculator as well as knowing simple facts without having to look it up on the web. I will stress to my students how to properly use technology, stressing the fact that not everything you read is true, and not everyone you meet is a good person and you can't be naive. Overall this book has made me rethink where I stand with technology and has given me great ideas about how to effectively use it in my classroom.

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