Monday, November 1, 2010

Screencast Link and Reflection

I exerted a lot of effort into this task. I probably stressed about this project more than I should have. It took a lot of time to become familiar with the website I was doing a SWAT analysis of. I had never even heard of "Glogster" before this assignment so much of my time was just simply trying to figure out what the program had to offer and how to use it. I feel as if I totally over thought this project and when preparing for the recording I found myself being unable to meet the time requirement- not because I couldn't meet 5 minutes, but because I was going WAY over. I also found it really frustrating and difficult to record the screencast without any errors and the most frustrating part is that when a mistake was made I had to redo the entire screencast rather than just editing the piece. It was also hard to get comfortable with recording my own voice. After numerous amounts of mistake ridden recordings, I finally felt some comfort and was able to get a final recording. I thought that creating this screencast was very difficult but overall will benefit me in my teaching career.

Creating this screencast has overall benefited me as a future teacher because I have learned a new tool to use in my classroom and now have been able to experiment with it a bit. I have also learned how to do a SWAT analysis, which I have never done before. Not only have I learned how to use Jing for creating a screencast, I have also learned how to use Glogster, both in which I will implement into my future classroom. Overall I feel the most beneficial aspect of this project was getting used to talking, and hearing myself talk into a microphone. Before this project I was totally uncomfortable with hearing a recording of my voice but now after experimenting with Jing I am more comfortable.

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