Monday, September 6, 2010

331- Digital Autobiography Link/Reflection


When first being assigned this assignment I was very excited and since I'm pretty familiar with technology, I figured it would be a breeze to complete. I also figured that since I was able to choose a topic I am interested in that it would make the project even easier. Turns out, choosing soccer for my topic made the project even harder, I then turned what could have been about an hour project into a five hour project, altering the slightest of details just so my digital autobiography was flawless and just the way I liked. The digital autobiography software I chose was very confusing and wouldn't allow me to add certain items I wanted in my video, such as my own audio and short video clips. Because of these complications I ended up exploring each and every aspect to all four programs offered which took up a large amount of time. Overall I exerted a lot of effort in this task, not only trying to make my digital autobiography flawless, but also trying to figure out each and every tool the program had to offer.

The value in completing this course task was not only to knock off an assignment from the "C contract", but also to show that I am able to put together a project using a given software program. One might be familiar with a particular program but not another and being a teacher, one needs to adapt to an unfamiliar programs. Another value in this project was to show how technology has evolved. Even a few years back introducing oneself to a class would have been conducted in a very different manner, and would probably have not been done using technology. With the technology we have access to in today's age we are able to use software with different programs to provide information in very advanced ways. Who knows what technology us future teachers will be using when introducing our class of students to one another.

This course task will impact my future teaching because I now fully understand that I need to be adaptable to different and new programs although they may be confusing at first. I also now understand that although two programs can result in a similar product, each program can offer very different qualities. I will also create assignments and projects for my students that will involve subjects that they are interested in. Through personal experiences, such as the digital autobiography I just completed, students do their best work, and try hardest on subjects they are interested in rather than something they are forced to write or do a project on. I also have learned through this project that there are many ways of incorporating lessons in the classroom that we can now use technology for, such as something as simple as introducing yourself.

Overall I enjoyed creating my digital autobiography although if I could do it again I wouldn't worry about the smallest of every detail because I don't think that is what this project was all about. It wasn't about making your project flawless, but rather exploring the different options between programs and expanding our minds to thinking beyond what we grew up doing, such as introducing ourselves by simply stating our name and favorite color.

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