Thursday, September 9, 2010

331- Exit Slip #1

Today in class we touched up on a few misunderstandings with the syllabus and other questions reguarding the class in general. A lot of my questions were answered in class both through questions I had asked, and through my other classmates questions.

We then talked about social bookmarking. This topic was confusing to me at first because prior to this class period I had never worked with, let alone even heard of this before. I have always used the tab "Favorites" to save my favorite, and useful websites on my computer before but today Dr. Boyer brought up a few good points that had never crossed my mind: "What if you are using a differend computer than your lap top, your favorites are only saved to one specific computer" or "What if your computer crashes?" Not only did the fact that I would be able to access my "delicious" account from any computer, I would also be able to start building up a list of my favorite, and most useful websites now before I'm a teacher so I can be fully prepared before getting hired. This website is also handy because it organizes the websites using "tabs" which are categories each website is put into.

I was also impressed with wiki. It is nice that each class can be documented by students in the class to clarify what was covered in class whether a student was absent for the day, or just briefly spaced out. I also thought it was a great idea that Dr. Boyer brought up that this would be a great resource for parents of students to look at to see what was covered in class for the day to reassure parents that the students are infact covering material during the day, dispite being told by their child that they didn't learn anything in class that day. Especially going into the field of exceptional education, which I am doing, the parents of the student with disabilities aren't always able to be told by their child what they did during the day which is why wiki is a good way of communicating to the parents of your students.

Overall today was a very productive day. I was able to get a few answered cleared up and I also learned two great ways of using technology not only now, but also someday when I am working in a classroom.

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