Thursday, September 23, 2010

331- Exit Slip #3

Today we started off the class by having the first group present a chapter to the class. The group presented chapter 2 of our reading. After they were done presenting we used the smart board and had a class discussion about what the group did well and what they could have done differently to improve their lesson. To me, the most interesting tip Dr. Boyer gave to us was how to introduce and conclude our presentations. His advice was to introduce the presentation by telling us what you're going to be talking about, then talk about what you want to talk about, and conclude the presentation by telling us what you told us.

Next, Dr. Boyer recapped our homework on "Google Advanced" and the tools it has to offer. He then gave us some ideas about our Inquiry project and how to decide what question to select for that project. To wrap up the day we went over some loose ends and were able to ask questions regarding class expectations and questions about our upcoming assignments.

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