Thursday, September 30, 2010

Exit Slip #4

To begin the class a group presented Ch. 3 of our reading which was about technology skepticism. I found myself being very connected to this chapter and discussion because I, myself, find myself more on the skepticism side. I thought that it was nice to get out of our seats and discuss our thoughts with the others who agree with our perspective on technology. Although it was nice to get out of our seats, the activity was exactly like one we did a few weeks back. I think the group could have done a different activity with more creativity. After the presentation we went over a number of things the group did well as well as what they could have improved on.

Next, we went over each and every one of our technology inquiry questions. This helped me out a ton because it gave me a better idea of what is expected for this assignment. It shows how much Dr. Boyer cares about our success in this class. He could have just let us discovered on our own whether or not our questions are suitable for this project.

We then talked about the interactive whiteboard lesson for those in the class who want an A.  Dr. Boyer showed us a very neat lesson using the white board. He then showed us a few different tools when creating a lesson plan using the white board. There are so many possibilities when working with this program, the possibilities are endless!

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