Saturday, October 23, 2010

"Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts" Ch. 8 Reflection

In chapter 8 of our text talks about three technologies on the rise: podcasts, video and screening, and live streaming. Each of these technologies have been becoming more and more popular everyday. Podcasts is one of the most well known new technologies. Podcasts give everyday people the opportunity to talk about topics they are interested about and gives millions of others the chance to listen. With the use of an MP3 player people are able to listen to recordings, radio shows, TV shows, and a wide variety of other sources. Podcasts are rapidly moving into educational settings. This is not hard to believe because there are a number of benefits that come along with podcasting. One benefit is that educators are able to record their lecture and post them for their student’s access. This way, if students are absent from school they can easily catch up on the material they missed, or even if a student simply spaces out in class they are able to look back on their lecture to hear certain bits and pieces they may have missed. Another benefit to podcasting is that students are able to subscribe to different educational videos. With both of these podcasting options, one is able to listen at their own convenience, whether they are working out, or doing chores around the house. The next step up from podcasts is video publishing and screen casting. Both video and screencasting give the user the ability to put audio and video together. Finally, the most unexplored multimedia publisher is live streaming. This gives teachers and students the ability to basically make their own television show online for others to watch. All of these technologies are on the rise and are becoming more and more popular in the classroom environment.

As a result of this reading I have learning a lot of new information about these technologies. Being a new learner to all of these technologies I have been given a better understanding of how to use them and how to implement them into my classroom. I have now thought about podcasting and how it could benefit my students to be able to go back into my lecture and be able to re-listen to it, possibly picking up on things they missed the first time around. Video and screencasting would be useful to post for both my students and their parents, so they are able to see different activities going on in class. I felt like live streaming was a bit confusing and is a very new concept but could also be useful to parents to see what is going on in the classroom. All of these technologies are very similar but each has their own individual qualities. Using these technologies in the classroom would be beneficial not only to the students but would also be beneficial to their parents as well.

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