Wednesday, October 6, 2010

IWB Lesson Reflection

For this lesson I exerted a lot of effort trying to find just the right lesson to plan. Once I decided on a lesson I checked on the SMART Exchange website and found a lesson that I thought suited my lesson perfectly. Although I found this website I thought it was difficult to make the lesson my own work because I found that my ideas of what I wanted in my lesson were very similar to the one I found. Being a first time user of the SMART board software, a large part of creating this lesson was the time it took to figure out all of the tools that the SMART board had to offer. There are so many tools to choose from but it takes a long time to explore these options. I also thought that the requirements for this lesson were not explained well which resulted in a lot of guessing on what was expected for this project.

As a result of this IWB lesson I have realized that creating these lessons are time consuming and take a lot of thought and preparation. Although creating a SMART board lesson may be time consuming the tools that are available are endless and can both make the lesson more interesting and interactive. I have also realized that by going on the website SMART Exchange you can find a number of different lessons that you can base your lesson around and get ideas from. There are also a number of options to use because all students learn differently. Because most students learn better by having a hands on activity this program is a huge asset in the learning process. In my future teaching I will defiantly use this program because I think it is a great interactive way to teach students, and it can also be fun for the students as well.

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