Friday, October 8, 2010

"Rethinking Education" Ch. 5 Reflection

Chapter 5 of “Rethinking Education” stresses that fact that we are no longer only being education from K-12, but rather being educated throughout our lifetime. The text gives us a different idea of learning as well as alternative ways of being educated rather than going to a traditional school setting. In today’s age home schooling is on the rise and more and more students are leaning towards this system of education. In fact, students who are being home schooled do better on standard assessments than students going to school in a traditional school setting. The text explains that the test results have nothing to do with gender, subject, nor their parent’s level of education. The idea of distance learning was also talked about. I think this is a very interesting new way of education. By using distance learning students with common interests are able to talk about subjects with one another from all around the country, sometimes even world. By doing this students are able to get a number of different perspectives from those of a different culture. The text also talks about “Workplace learning” where businesses are using technology for both training programs and to keep their employees up to par with their skills working with customers. An example of one of these technologies consists of virtual games where customers come in and make requests or ask questions. I think this is a very beneficial way to keep the minds of your employees refreshed on their skills. I think that this new idea of lifelong learning is beneficial to all of society because we don’t stop learning after we graduate, we are able to learn new concepts everyday and since technology is constantly being upgraded, our knowledge has to be updated as well.

As a result of this reading I will demonstrate to my students that they will never stop being educated, even after they graduate. Students need to be open to learning throughout their entire life and in learning in nontraditional ways. I will inform my students about different ways of learning as well. After this reading I think that students should be informed of distance learning. This idea was so interesting to me and students can get so many different perspectives from people from all different backgrounds and ways of life. I will also give my students ideas on how to make their video game playing an educational experience and offer games that might benefit them rather than corrupting their minds. I believe the most important idea I plan on getting across to my students is that they have options- if traditional schooling isn’t working out for them, they can look to an alternative. I also will stress to my students that everyday is a school day and be prepared to learn something new.

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