Thursday, October 7, 2010

Exit Slip #5

Today we started off class by talking about our IWB lesson. A few misunderstandings about the assignment was made clear by Dr. Boyer which helped me a ton because prior to this I was a bit confused about what the expectations were for this assignment.

This week’s group presented chapter 4 from our text on the 4 main developments of American schooling: the Printing Press, The Reformation, the American Revolution, and the Industrial Revolution. We then did an activity where we split into groups and talked about the positives and negatives of compulsory attendance, graded schools, tests, textbooks, Carnegie units, and comprehensive high schools. I thought the discussion guides did a great job creating discussion throughout the classroom and involved the SMART board during their lesson, having each group come up and write their answer down. I thought the group did a great job with their lesson although I noticed that Trefor was doing most of the talking while the other girls had very little involvement in the presentation. Trefor did a great job encouraging deeper thinking from those answering the questions; he also did a great job restating comments. One more word of advice I would give to this group was to talk louder, throughout the lesson it was very hard to hear what was being said. Following the lesson presented by the group, like always, as a class we talked about what the group did well and what they could work on.

Lastly, we talked about designing our iRLO (interactive reusable learning object) which focuses on user control and gives feedback on the user’s progress. The program we will be using is called scratch. We were shown two different examples of former students who had created an iRLO- the donkey, and the fish. This program will be a fun way for students to practice their facts and skills.

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