Thursday, October 28, 2010

Exit Slip #8

In today's class we started off by talking about our delicious accounts. Dr. Boyer gave us an idea of where we should be at with our account. He then pulled up an example of a student's account as a demonstration of what ours should ultimately look like. We then moved on to the presentation. My group presented chapter 7 of our text "Rethinking Education". Miriah, Jessica, and I guided a discussion with the class on the gains and losses of technology in the classroom. Overall, I felt pretty good about our presentation although I would have changed a few things. After we were done presenting Dr. Boyer gave us feedback on how we did. He, as well as I noticed myself saying  a few "uhms" we also noticed that the set up of the room made it difficult for us to move around and see what the groups were talking about. One last thing I would do differently is making sure we had a clear ending to our presentation which is another thing Dr. Boyer commented on.

Next, we went to Ellumination which was an interesting website that I ended up adding to my delicious account. We then talked about our podcasts and Dr. Boyer gave us a better idea of what is expected. We went over a few technical tools with our podcasts and had a few questions answered. Finally, at the end of class Dr. Boyer wrapped up by showing us our homework expectations of the week in detail.

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